Nutritional Articles

TopSpec Articles

Our full range of articles are freely available from TopSpec, simply call our Multiple-Award-Winning Helpline 01845 565030
or email and we will be happy to post them to you.

General Nutrition and the Digestion System
Why, When and How to Feed Supplements and Balancers
Feeding in Sympathy with the Horse’s Digestive System
Hoof Supplements
Laminitis/ID/PPID (Cushing’s)
Feeding Good-Doers Effectively
Grassland Management for Native Ponies Prone to Weight Gain
Feeding Elderly Horses
Feeding Broodmares
Feeding Youngstock
Feeding for Showing
Feeding for Condition and Topline
Feeding for Hard Work
Can Feeding Affect ‘Tying-Up’?
Calming do they work?
How Does Feeding Affect Behaviour?
Joint buy or not to buy?
Aiding Digestion and Stimulating Appetite
Gastric Ulcers
Feeding Horses on Box-Rest
Chasing Energy
Feeding Donkeys

Multiple-Award-Winning Helpline :  01845 565030

TopSpec's Award Winning Helpline

The Award Winning TopSpec Helpline is available to all our clients free of charge. The team at TopSpec is delighted to have won the BETA Feed Helpline of the Year in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2021!

So, if your horse’s feed ration needs fine-tuning, or you have any feeding or management queries, just call our Award-Winning Helpline and one of our team of experienced equine nutritionists will be happy to help.

The TopSpec Multiple-Award-Winning Helpline is open 8.45am - 5.15pm Monday - Friday.